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In accordance with the Articles of Association of NLB d.d., the shareholders exercise their rights in relation to the Bank's affairs at the Bank's General Meeting.
General Meetings are generally held at the place of the Bank's registered office but may also be held in another place determined by the convenor. The notice of convocation of the General Meeting must be published no less than 30 days before the date of the General Meeting. The shareholders collectively holding at least one twentieth of the share capital are entitled to demand in writing that the Management Board convene the General Meeting of the Bank. The General Meeting of the Bank deciding on the allocation of distributable profit and on relief must be held within the first eight months following the end of the financial year, unless the legislation prescribes otherwise. Shareholders may participate at the General Meeting also without being physically present.
The shareholders have the right to participate at the General Meeting of the Bank, the pre-emptive right to subscribe new shares in case of share capital increase, the right to participate in profit (dividends), the right to a share in surplus in the event of liquidation or bankruptcy of the Bank and the right to be informed. The General Meeting of the Bank shall adopt resolutions by ordinary majority of votes cast unless applicable laws or the Articles of Association stipulate a larger majority or other conditions.
Pursuant to Article 296 of the ZGD-1, the NLB informs its shareholders about their rights as shareholders in the Information on shareholders’ rights published among the documents on the convocation of every General Meeting (i.e. in the detailed agenda, shareholder proposals, proposals for shareholder voting and the rights of shareholders to be informed).
The information on the convocation, material and other documentation in connection with the convocation of the General Meeting as well as the voting outcome are published on the Bank’s website.
The shareholders’ rights and the work of the General Meeting in the previous year are detailed in the Corporate Governance Statement of NLB d.d. which is published on these websites and in the Business report of the NLB Group Annual Report.