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Responsibility to the employees

We have been investing heavily in the knowledge and well-being of our employees for decades.

Satisfied employees are the foundation of our success

Employee development is a core value of the NLB Group, which is why we regularly train employees throughout the region.

8,000 employees
We are one of the largest employers in SE Europe.
Family-friendly company
We have been a holder of a full Family Friendly Company certificate for a decade.
Training Centre
On average, each employee receives 7 days of training per year.

Every day we look after the well-being of our employees

At NLB, we believe that a satisfied and effective employee is one who is able to balance private and work life on the one hand and one who knows that his or her potential is recognised and valued on the other hand. This in particular is what we pay special attention to - encouraging, guiding and developing our employees and supporting them on their career journey.


These efforts are managed at a systemic level - all members of the NLB Group are establishing and upgrading appropriate internal HR policies, rules and procedures, initiatives and practices that:

  • respect human and labour rights enshrined in domestic and international law,
  • include diversity and inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, age, functional diversity or any other factor,
  • ensure that diversity, in particular gender equality, is effectively addressed in the highest management bodies and at senior levels,
  • ensure fair pay and compensation and reduce the gender pay gap,
  • promote and ensure the safety, health, work-life balance and well-being of employees,
  • attract and manage talent to boost employees’ career development,
  • encourage internal dialogue and communication and measure employee satisfaction through regular organisational culture surveys,
  • maintain high standards of relations in employee management and social dialogue,
  • promote and carry out training and other measures to ensure that employees develop their sustainability practices, awareness and engagement,
  • build and promote a culture of sustainability, which is an important driver for the successful steering of the sustainability agenda in the NLB Group.
The ninth consecutive Top Employer Certificate is a great recognition of and a testament to our efforts in the area of employee development and well-being. However, it is also a great responsibility to both our current and future employees to provide them with an exceptional and challenging working environment and opportunities for growth and success.
Vesna Vodopivec Assistant to the Management Board of NLB, responsible for human resources management.
We put special focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is firmly anchored in the NLB Group’s values, which are a key driver of our organisational culture. Sustainable practice and human resource management are closely interlinked through several initiatives.

Major progress in employee development

Hours spent on average for employee training:
0.00 hours/employee
Increase compared to 2022:
0 %
Increase in employee satisfaction from 2022 to 2023:
0 percentage points

Family-friendly company

We offer our colleagues a professional working environment where their development is provided by the Training Centre boasting a 50-year tradition. Our effort devoted to their well-being is validated by our Family Friendly Company and Top Employer certificates.

NLB športne igre

Sports games of NLB Group

We promote a healthy lifestyle among our employees with sports games, where we gather every spring for a day of sport, socialising and fun.