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NLB was awarded the basic Family Friendly Company certificate in 2011 and after successful implementation of a number of measures, we were awarded the full certificate at the end of 2014.
As a fully certified Family Friendly Company, we have already introduced 27 measures to help our employees strike the right balance between work and family life.
The measures provided by our Family Friendly Company are extremely diverse. They include:
In 2023, we introduced two new measures. The first allows an additional day of absence with pay for training of the employee’s own choice. This measure is part of our ongoing effort to promote the personal and professional development of our employees. The second is to provide employees and their close family members with 24/7 immediate psychological support and counselling to resolve mental distress and other problems or issues, including legal advice.
Full Family Friendly Company certificate
The Family Friendly Company project deals with the corporate social responsibility and has been implemented by the independent non-profit organisation Ekvilib Institute. It guides organisations on how to help their employees balance family and work commitments.