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Bankart d. o. o., Ljubljana
Celovška cesta 150
1000 Ljubljana
Bankart provides services in the field of card and ATM operations. They provide payment data based on payment and credit cards and perform transaction authorizations and service POS terminals. Their services are used by banks, financial institutions and interested non-banking organizations.
Our main focus is also the development of new technologies for making payments, the development of new services in the field of card operations or the development of services that reduce the costs of the bank's existing card operations.
Under their auspices, the following also operate:
Bankart is an associated member of the NLB Group, with NLB holding a 46.03 % stake in the capital.
Meet the Management of Bankart
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Get to know the wide range of Bankart's services and solutions that they provide in as many as six countries of Southeastern Europe.