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Mobil Leasing, Zagreb

Mobil Leasing d.o.o., Zagreb 

Kovinska ulica 5

1000  Zagreb


Business Activity

The company Mobil leasing was founded in 2000. In 2022, Mobil Leasing was taken over by Summit Leasing Slovenija. As of September 11, 2024, Mobil Leasing became part of the NLB Group, with Summit Leasing Slovenija holding a 100% capital stake.The services of Mobil Leasing cover financial and operating leasing of vehicles, equipment and machinery for private or business purposes.


Meet the management of Mobil Leasing

Aleš Zafošnik
Aleš Zafošnik Chairman of the Management Board
Mirko Šerbeđija
Mirko Šerbeđija Member of the Management Board
Ivana Balenović Member of the Management Board
Mitja Otorepec Procurator
Supervisory Board

Meet the Supervisory Board members of Mobil leasing

Maja Lebe Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Tina Filipan Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Janez Kokalj Member of the Supervisory Board
woman leaning on a car

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