About the Group
NLB d. d.
Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
NLB d.d. is a member of the NLB Group, the largest banking and financial group in Slovenia and the largest financial group with its headquarters and exclusive strategic interest in our home region – South-Eastern Europe. It is a public limited company whose shares are listed first on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, and global certificates of ownership representing shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange (Main Market).
With its universal banking model, NLB supports clients with retail and corporate services and investment banking services, and intensively intertwines all its operations with sustainability.
Since 2020, NLB has successfully completed two significant acquisitions in the banking sector, namely the acquisition of Komercijalna Banka in Serbia in 2020 and Sberbank Slovenia (later named "N Bank") in 2022, which successfully joined the NLB Group. In November 2023, it also entered into an agreement to acquire a 100% ownership stake in SLS HOLDCO, a holding company, the parent company of Summit Leasing Slovenia and its Croatian subsidiary Mobil Leasing. The transaction was successfully completed in September 2024.
We are not only interested in strictly business topics. In addition to good business results and financial results that contribute to economic development, we also want to shape and improve social threads and contribute to a better quality of life. For us, this region is not just a dot on the map. This is our home. NLB wants to do its best to take care of the region where it operates and to promote a thriving community where every individual and every company finds new opportunities and discovers new horizons.
NLB wants to do its best to take care of the region where it operates and to promote a thriving community where every individual and every company finds new opportunities and discovers new horizons.
We are proud of the results shown by the key financial indicators:
Source: NLB Annual Report 2023
Meet NLB Management Board members
Meet NLB Supervisory Board members
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