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NLB Komercijalna banka

NLB Komercijalna banka a.d., Beograd

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165v, 11070 Novi Beograd, Srbija

NLB Komercijalna banka a.d., Beograd

History and Business Activity

Komercijalna banka was established in 1970 in Belgrade. It joined the NLB Group in 2020 and became a member of one of the largest regional banking groups with a strategic focus on SE Europe.

Today, it is recognized on the market as a bank with a long tradition and an honest and transparent relationship with customers. NLB Komercijalna banka is a universal bank that offers all types of banking services to all customer segments: households, entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the largest domestic and international companies.

We are constantly adapting to our users' needs, introducing new products, technologies and services into our business. We have one of the largest business networks in Serbia, and we are trusted by more than a million active clients.

The Bank is an active member of the local community and is constantly investing a significant part of its funds into corporate social responsibility projects. It is committed to solving problems of the most vulnerable categories of citizens and supporting talented and most successful individuals and groups in sports, science and arts.

Long-term tradition gives us a strong foundation for current successes.

We are proud of the results shown by the main financial indicators:

Total Assets
EUR 5.019 bn
Market Share of Total Assets
9.9 %
Profit After Tax
EUR 132 mn
No. of active clients

Source: NLB Annual Report 2023

Management Board

Meet NLB Management Board member of NLB Komercijalna banka

Vlastimir Vuković
Vlastimir Vuković Chairman of the Management Board

Vlastimir Vuković holds a master's degree from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade. He has more than twenty years of work experience in the banking and finance sector. He served on the executive boards of Banca Intesa, Vojvodjanska banka and Intesa Leasing. He was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of Komercijalna Banka in 2021 and led one of the most demanding processes in the Serbian financial sector – the integration of Komercijalna Banka with NLB Banka and the NLB Group. Currently, he is also a member of the boards of directors of the Serbian Association of Managers, the Slovenian Business Club and the Association of Serbian Banks, a member of the Presidency of the Association of Economists of Serbia and a member of the Supervisory Board of Kombank Invest.

Dejan Janjatović
Dejan Janjatović Deputy Chairman of the Management Board

Dejan Janjatović has a university degree from the Faculty of Economics in Novi Sad and he obtained the MBA in Budapest. He has twenty years of experience in the banking and finance sector. Prior to joining NLB Komercijalna banka, he was a member of the Executive Board of ProCredit Bank, responsible for risk and operations management. He was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman and Member of the Executive Board of NLB Komercijalna banka in 2021.

Bojana Kaličanin-Stojanović
Bojana Kaličanin-Stojanović Member of the Management Board

Bojana Kaličanin-Stojanović graduated from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade and received additional education at Harvard Business School and IEDC Bled School of Management. She has more than twenty years of experience in key positions in IT management, project and process management in the banking industry, including the role of Executive Director of the Business Technology and Organization Sector at NLB Banka Beograd, and various key positions at Hypo Alpe Adria. In the NLB Group in Slovenia, she held the position of General Director for IT Development and Deputy CIO of the NLB Group. She was appointed a member of the Executive Board of NLB Komercijalna banka in 2022, where she is responsible for operations and IT.

Vladimir Bošković
Vladimir Bošković Member of the Management Board

Vladimir Bošković has a university degree in economy and is currently finishing the MBA in finance and sustainable development at the University of Cambria. He has more than 15 years of experience in the banking industry, having held various positions at Raiffeisen, Credit Agricole and Sberbank. He was appointed a member of the Executive Board of NLB Komercijalna banka in 2023. He is responsible for the corporate segment.

Supevisory Board

Meet Supervisory Board members of NLB Komercijalna banka

Archibald Kremser Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Igor Zalar Member of the Supervisory Board
Marko Jerič Member of the Supervisory Board
Vesna Vodopivec Member of the Supervisory Board
Nenad Filipović Member of the Supervisory Board
Dragan Đuričin Member of the Supervisory Board
NLB Komercijalna Banka

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