Issuance of senior preferred notes
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange relating to point 1 paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Market Financial Instruments Act NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, announces:...
On 26 February 2020, Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d. (“NLB” or “NLB Group”) entered into a share purchase agreement (“SPA”) with the Republic of Serbia (“RoS”) for the acquisition of an 83.23% ordinary shareholding in Komercijalna Banka a.d. Beograd (“KB”).The closing of the transaction is expected in Q4 2020 and is subject to mandatory regulatory approvals from, amongst others, the European Central Bank, Bank of Slovenia and the National Bank of Serbia.
These are latest news
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange relating to point 1 paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Market Financial Instruments Act NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, announces:...
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Article 158 of the Market in Financial Instruments Act, relating to the Article 17 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana announces:...