Issuance of senior preferred notes
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange relating to point 1 paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Market Financial Instruments Act NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, announces:...
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange relating to point 1 paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Market Financial Instruments Act NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, announces:
NLB d.d., Ljubljana (the “Company”) hereby announces the results of its invitation published on 15 January 2024, to the holders of the existing subordinated Tier 2 notes (ISIN: XS2080776607 and ISIN: XS2113139195) to tender the notes for purchase by the Company.
The results of the tender offer:
Opis obveznic | ISIN obveznic | Skupen znesek glavnice obveznic, ki so bile veljavno ponujene in sprejete v odkup | Odkupna cena obveznic | Višina glavnice obveznic po zaključku ponudbe za odkup |
Tier 2 obveznice z zapadlostjo 2029 | XS2080776607 | EUR 110.100.000,00 | 98,50 % | EUR 9.900.000,00 |
Tier 2 obveznice z zapadlostjo 2030 | XS2113139195 | EUR 109.500.000,00 | 98,00 % | EUR 10.500.000,00 |
Settlement is expected to take place on 26 January 2024. Purchased notes shall be cancelled.
Investor Relations
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Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange relating to point 1 paragraph 1 of Article 130 of the Market Financial Instruments Act NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana, announces:...
Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Article 158 of the Market in Financial Instruments Act, relating to the Article 17 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, NLB d.d., Trg republike 2, 1000 Ljubljana announces:...