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Through systemic measures, aid for employees and donations, we helped the hardest-hit municipalities and donated more than EUR 9 million for flood relief.
As the situation deteriorated, NLB first focuses on ensuring the safety of its employees and clients, as well as business continuity. Despite the closure of branch offices in the affected areas, we tried to provide banking services via digital channels within operational mobile and fixed networks, and we supplied cash to accessible ATMs of all banks and other partner service providers. We also devoted effort to ensure that almost all branch offices reopened the next business day.
As one of the key and systemically important institutions in the country, we coordinate our response to natural disaster with the Bank Association of Slovenia, the Bank of Slovenia and the relevant ministries, as well as with other key institutions. Similarly to the Covid crisis, we developed in-house measures to help flood recovery and the economy, including a concessional credit line of EUR 100 million and, if necessary, grace period on loan repayments, etc. Similar measures are being developed for individuals.
NLB donated EUR 4 million to the most affected municipalities to support sustainable reconstruction and necessary investments, such as watercourse management and flood protection, to mitigate the effects of future natural disasters and thus limit the tragedies of similar magnitude.
Like the rest of Slovenia, we at NLB were shocked by the events in the affected municipalities, at the same time admiring the dedication of all the competent services and generous volunteers. Saving lives and preventing even worse consequences will now be followed by unparalleled large-scale damage restoration and rebuilding of basic infrastructure. NLB will stand by the municipalities that were hit the hardest and we call on other banks and companies that have not suffered significant damage by the floods to contribute to the best of their ability.
We also came to the aid of our employees - dozens of them were affected by the natural disaster - including by providing solidarity aid for the reconstruction. Our employees were given an extra day off work if they wanted to join one of the organised flood relief campaigns.
On 19 December 2023, NLB donated EUR 5 million to the budget of the Republic of Slovenia, under a special budget line for raising funds for the August flood relief. With this additional donation, NLB allocated a total of EUR 9.5 million to flood relief.
Colleagues from the NLB Group demonstrated their solidarity with Slovenia - NLB Banka Skopje donated EUR 60,000 to the Slovenian Red Cross and other organisations helping in flood relief. The Bank also came to the aid of employees, as dozens of them were hit by the flood, and contributed EUR 500,000 to the employee solidarity fund, while employees on their own initiative also raised additional funds for their colleagues.