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On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, NLB decided to support its activities with a general sponsorship. Without bees, hard-working little creatures, there would be no life as we know it.
By supporting Slovenian beekeeping, which ranks among the world’s top, NLB is supporting the preservation of rich cultural heritage and the protection of the environment, thus confirming its sustainable focus.
At NLB, we see our responsibility to our clients, employees, society at large and nature as our mission and put it at the heart of our business. We are extremely proud to support the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, which has been preserving tradition and protecting natural and cultural heritage for 150 years.
At NLB, we have much more in common with beekeeping than meets the eye. The bee and the beehive are symbols of frugality and saving, so it is not unusual that the NLB art collection holds a painting by Maksim Gaspari - Girl and Beehive, which is considered one of the most recognised Slovenian works of art depicting a beekeeping theme. We are particularly proud that this important painting also adorns the AŽ hive-shaped penny bank, which we have designed in cooperation with the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association and which will be used to teach young people about the importance of saving and the basics of financial literacy.
Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association
President Boštjan Noč welcomes the cooperation with NLB saying:
“We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the management of NLB, which has recognised the 150 years of important work of the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association in the preservation of bees and beekeeping, and has sponsored our Association with the aim of long-term cooperation in the field of the development and preservation of beekeeping in Slovenia. Without bees, there is no life, almost a third of food is lost, and there is no biodiversity. By supporting the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association, NLB has shown that it is well aware of the importance of beekeeping."