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Prudent and ethical handling of assets and property

Protection and rational use of company assets and resources

With the aim of long-term success, the NLB Group applies the duty of rational use of assets of each member of the NLB Group, including property, plant and equipment, technological equipment, intellectual property, financial assets, trademarks in the NLB Group and relations with customers and business partners of the NLB Group and the reputation of the NLB Group.


The employees have a duty to reasonably use office supplies and other assets needed for work and in generally protect the assets of all companies of the NLB Group.


The employees are obligated to respect the rules on reimbursement of business travel expenses and other costs related to work, which regulate suitable reporting and documenting of such expenses. It is prohibited to handle the assets of the NLB Group unethically.


The employees may not use means of work or other assets for their own personal gain or to the benefit of any third parties. The employees of the NLB Group are obliged to prevent any unauthorised use of assets and sources of a member of the NLB Group for personal benefits of other persons, regardless of whether the assets and/or resources are used without authorisation voluntarily or due to negligence.

Intellectual property protection

Protection of intellectual property is an essential element of a successful internal market, since it is important not only for the acceleration of innovation and creativity but also for the development of employment and improvement of competition. The employees of the NLB Group have to promptly ensure that the intellectual property rights are regulated by contract and protected. Intellectual property rights include e.g.: patents, firms, certificates, models, trademarks, geographic markings and copyright and similar rights. The subject of such right may not be commercially exploited without the permission of the member of the NLB Group which holds the intellectual property rights.


The employees of the NLB Group are obliged to comply with the copyrights and intellectual property of third persons (authors, providers, etc.). In this respect we make sure that the copyright work and intellectual property is only used in accordance with the intended purpose or with the consent of the author of such copyright work. Furthermore, we only use those tools for which the Bank had obtained the relevant licences in our work.


The primary concern of the NLB Group is to preserve the trust of its customers, business partners, and the society that we operate in. Trust can only be preserved by respecting promises and commitments and by conducting all our business activities with integrity, fairly and ethically as well as in accordance with business practice.


Each employee has a duty to accept a clear responsibility for keeping promises and meeting deadlines, because everyone at the NLB Group is aware that consistent actions and decisions are crucial for preserving the trust in the NLB, the NLB Group and the financial industry in general.


Every employee of the NLB Group is obligated to prudently handle the assets and other property of the NLB Group members, to respect internal rules on cost reimbursement and the use of means of work. A good guidance is to handle the property of the NLB Group with equal care and responsibility (with due diligence) as own property.


We have to respect the approved budget, guidelines and restrictions on the use of assets or business premises. Strong internal controls in all members of the NLB Group have to ensure accordingly prudent and diligent handling of property of NLB d.d. and other members of the NLB Group.

Prudent and ethical handling of assets and property

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