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We are socially responsible

Respect for human rights

The NLB Group strictly respects and protects the nationally and internationally recognised human rights and fundamental freedoms that are in compliance with the highest international standards.


In accordance with the mission of the NLB Group, special attention is paid to respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. We are an organisation that strives for long-term trust of employees, customers, business partners, supervisory bodies and the company as a whole, which is why we operate in line with the commitments and promises made, and in a transparent manner.


At NLB Group, we value our employees and want to be a good employer. For our employees we create appropriate and safe working environment, in which the dignity and integrity of the employees in the workplace are protected and respected. We encourage the personal and professional growth and development of our employees. We strive to create a working environment that respects the personal, sexual, religious, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, social, geographic, family, physical, age and any other individual characteristic or belief of the employees.


We believe that a fair relationship with the customers must be based on joint values and fundamental principles, including the respect of human rights in all offered banking products and services. The NLB Group only does business with customers it can trust, and therefore expects its customers to comply and strive for compliance with the applicable regulations and standards in the area of human rights conduct their business in accordance with the principles of business ethics and with an appropriate level of candour in communication.


We at the NLB Group strive for the respect of human rights throughout the entire supply chain, which is why the suppliers and their subcontractors are carefully selected and asked to respect human rights.


We devote special care to assessing the respect for human rights in setting criteria within our investment policy, and with due diligence take into account direct and indirect effects on the observance of human rights in the countries where we are present, requiring all employees to do so.

Care for the social environment

At the NLB Group we are aware of the role that surpasses the framework of the financial sector in which we operate. In relation to employees, customers and society at large and the stakeholders, we pursue the social and environmentally responsible policy, which regulates the issue of NLB Group's integration in society and environment. We thus demonstrate the commitment to and respect for social and environmental values, placing in the forefront individuals, the local community and the society at large in all countries where the NLB Group is operating.


The Bank pays special attention to knowledge and lifelong learning. The key pillars of the socially-responsible operations of the NLB Group are, in addition to the care for its employees, also the protection of integrity, mentorship, support to professional and youth sports, humanitarian activities and protection of cultural heritage.


With the aim of fulfilling the obligation to adhere to its own principles and the corporate principles, the NLB Group shows it is aware of its wider social role and thus joins the circle of domestic and international public and private financial institutions and companies which are aware of their social role.


The NLB Group remains politically neutral and supports no political organisations or activities by donations or subsidies, even if so permitted by the local legislation. The NLB Group also respects the activities of the employees who, as citizens, wish to privately participate in public life, while they have a duty to carefully protect the reputation and credibility of the NLB Group.

Promoting sustainable economic activities and financing

The NLB Group supports and promotes transition to low-carbon sustainable economy that will use the resources in a more efficient manner and commits to positively contribute to the financial system that will support sustainable growth. It is committed to supporting financial products and services with the aim of ensuring environmental and social well-being to which they also contribute. We at the NLB Group promote sustainable economic activities with the aim of improving the quality of life and ensuring a better future for the entire region, and support our customers in their plans and activities in the area of climate protection.

Environmental responsibility and awareness

Our commitment is to improve the quality of life in the region in which we live. Environmental responsibility means protection of the environment in which we live in two ways:

  • By changing our business model and development of banking products and solutions that have a positive impact on the environment, using digitalisation and technological development, which allows us to offer our customers completely digitalised packages, and financing projects that co-create low-carbon society and economy.
  • By changing our behaviour. This means that we take into account direct and indirect environmental aspects and the aspects of our business decisions, and act in such a manner that our impact on the environment is as positive as possible.

The employees of the NLB Group are committed to taking care of the environment in the manner of contributing to saving energy, paper and other assets. As far as possible we responsibly and actively participate also in the projects that strengthen our joint responsibility towards the environment.

Communication of the NLB Group

Communication with publics is professional and consistent with the NLB Group policies. The employees of the NLB Group have a duty to respect internal rules on public appearance and public expression of opinion that might influence the NLB Group. Outside the NLB Group we do not discuss matters that we are not authorised for. The NLB Group employees make no comments about or in relation to the NLB Group to the media, investors, financial or industrial analysts, external consultants, in on-line chat rooms, social networks or at other public fora without specific permission.


The NLB Group systematically and actively performs corporate communication activities, at the same time building relationships with the publics. During communication we always put our values first and thus strengthen the reputation of the NLB Group. We provide an example of open, respectful and responsive communication with employees, customers, owners and financial public.

Cooperation with the competent authorities

The NLB Group is committed to full cooperation with regulatory authorities and other competent bodies responsible for supervising and checking the compliance of the NLB Group's operations in the countries where it operates. That way we provide transparent and accurate information used by supervisory bodies, the financial sector, shareholders, customers and public at large in the countries where the NLB Group is operating.


The employees participating in the preparation of financial and other prescribed reports must always provide complete, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures in reports and documents that the NLB Group submits or files with the regulatory and other competent bodies and in other public releases.


We have to respect and strive for long-term trust of employees, customers, business partners, supervisory and other competent bodies, external auditors, investors and the company as a whole. The operations of the NLB Group have to be comprehensive, consistent with the values and promises made, transparent and positive.


Each of us can contribute to the pursuit of these goals in everyday actions and work.

We are socially responsible

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