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Respect our customers

Respect the customers’ interests

Our customers, both internal and external, are in the centre of our focus. In order to secure their trust, the employees of the NLB Group are obliged to protect the interests of our customers and other business partners and respect all relevant provisions.


The employees of the NLB Group meet our promises, achieve and exceed the expectations of our customers, business partners, shareholders, regulatory and other competent bodies and the society at large. We cooperate in the implementation of the NLB Group strategy and are actively committed to fulfilling the strategic objectives in the spirit of credibility and fairness. We draw attention to challenges and encourage each other until the objectives have been met since we are aware that the Companies of the NLB Group can only be successful by combining our strengths, knowledge and experience. We are aware that we are stronger and the best when working together.


We are bound to understand the needs of our customers and consider their interests. Based on our experience and expertise, we are committed to providing advanced, innovative and modern products and services that suit the customers' needs and requirements. Our wish is to contribute to the fulfilment of their plans and our task is to advise them, inform them and raise their awareness about the type and level of risks related to their wishes and requirements.


We find solutions and resolve problems by creating benefits and added value for our customers. We understand that every problem can have several solutions in a given moment, which is why we offer innovative solutions. Thus, we achieve mutual benefits. We invest in the skills of our employees and the quality of the working environment, which contributes to the success of the entire NLB Group. We monitor modern trends and search for and identify new and better approaches to providing services and products for our customers. Innovation is also encouraged at the level of processes, organisation and internal functioning in general, as well as at the level of comprehensive solutions for the customers, all with the aim of improving the user experience of (internal and external) customers, creating value added of our products and services and improving their accessibility.


One of our fundamental objectives is efficiency in everyday work. We offer our customers effective solutions and added value. Thus we save them time and energy. We optimise our processes so that the NLB Group teams can work efficiently. This allows us more time to devote to our customers. We actively reduce complexity to allow for simple operations, pursuing the state-of-the-art technological solutions and modern lifestyle.


Our goal is to ensure optimum benefits for the customers in relation to the products and services offered by the NLB Group and that by taking into account their interests, we carefully build partnerships and maintain trust in the NLB Group.

Taking care to keep customer data confidential

One of the basic rules is to respect the protection of obtained confidential data of the customers, either customers, business partners or third persons and protect them and prevent their potential abuse and/or disclosure to an unauthorised person. Protecting the privacy and information entrusted to us by our customers is our primary concern and in doing so we act in compliance with the valid provisions and international standards. The banking members of the NLB Group are further bound to do so because of the obligation to protect banking confidential information.


In our business, the NLB Group is committed to uphold the highest standards of diligence in personal and confidential data management. We only ask for and process those data we need for the fulfilment of our obligations under the applicable provisions and for the fulfilment of our commitments to the customers, business partners and regulators. Thus we improve our products and services and the NLB Group governance. We are aware that this is the only way to ensure long-term trust in the NLB Group.

Professional attitude

Our attitude towards the customers is professional and shown through personal appearance, tidiness of work premises and the highest ethical and professional standards in daily operations and communication with the customers in the sales and marketing of our products and services.

Fair customer complaint handling procedure

We treat customers fairly. The employees of the NLB Group immediately report the customers’ complaints to those in charge, resolve them quickly and efficiently, for the benefit of all parties involved.


The customers of the NLB Group are essential for achieving our common goal - successful operation, which is why in our operations with the customers we are committed to abide by the highest standard of professional and ethical conduct. The trust of our customers is the most important for our operations.


In our everyday work, we must be aware that the interests of our customers and the Bank, as well as those of other stakeholders (owner, public in general) come first. When pursuing these principles, each of us also searches for the opportunities in improving the user experience with their internal customers, i.e. other employees of the NLB Group with whom they cooperate - more on this issue in Section Respect our colleagues and maintain a pleasant working environment.


The common goal of all employees is to ensure optimum benefits for the customers in relation to the products and services offered by the NLB Group. We have to offer innovative solutions, modern products and services and take into account their desires, needs and interests. The employees of the NLB Group must therefore know the customers well, understand their needs and act in their interest, while taking care that these interests are not in conflict with those of the NLB Group. When in doubt whether a situation is actually a conflict of interest, ask your direct superior or the organisational unit in charge of compliance.


One of the basic rules is to respect the obligation to protect the obtained confidential data and prevent their potential abuse. It is the duty of every employee to know the rules on the confidentiality of the data on customers, other confidential information (including banking confidential information) and business secrets and apply them in their work. Employees of the banks that are members of the NLB Group are particularly bound to protect the customers’ personal data and confidential banking data relating to the customers; there is zero tolerance for any events that could result in leaking or forwarding of information to unauthorised persons.


The respect of the customers means that they are treated equally. This means that as an employee of the NLB Group, we must comply with the pricing policy and the authorisations for deciding in each case when determining the conditions for entering into business relationships. In no case shall the employees grant or attempt to grant especially low prices for banking products or services to persons not entitled to such prices pursuant to the applicable internal rules. Any customer complaints are immediately reported to the superior, it is important that they are resolved as quickly as possible and for the benefit of all those involved in accordance with the applicable regulations.


The complaints of our customers and business partners are resolved in a professional, ethical, fair, quick and efficient manner. In this, we pursue the internal rules and procedures for resolving complaints, take into account the customer’s feedback, identify the source of the problem and actively participate in the resolution of the problem in order to prevent such complaints from happening in the future.

Respect our customers

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